University and State Library RheinMain: Registration Form

Library cards can be issued at all locations during service hours.

The following personal information will be checked by our staff when you pick up your library card: Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory and must be filled in. The other information is voluntary.

Please note: do not enter umlauts and special characters! Students of the HSRM please enter only the student e-mail address.


First name*:

Date of birth* (DD.MM.YYYY):

Street and house number*:

Postal code*:


Pickup location:
We need this information if you would like to have media you have reserved delivered to a specific location.

Email address:

Providing your e-mail address is voluntary. Students of the HSRM please enter only the student e-mail address. However, if you do not provide the e-mail address, you will not benefit from the optional services. These include notification of the end of the loan period and overdue fines which can be sent by e-mail. You can revoke your consent at any time by contacting the service address

I accept the terms and conditions of use of the University and State Library RheinMain.

Your personal data will be processed in the local and central library system (hebis) as part of your user transactions at the University and State Library RheinMain. The data collection, without which you will not be able to borrow media, is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit e in connection with § 4 of the Terms and Conditions for the University and State Library RheinMain of 18.03.2013. If you would like to learn more about data protection at our library click here.

The registration is not yet complete. You must be collect your library card within 28 days after sending this form. After this your data will be deleted.